
Night Pool at Tokyo in this Summer?

Hello there, this is Mia Stone from advertising management division.
It is Thursday, so it is my term to write the blog. I wrote about the best sex in the previous blog from the article and I found the other interesting article from the same website.
In this blog, I would like to write about the night pool in Tokyo.

For recent years, night pool is getting popular in Japan. The reason why it becomes popular is girls want to take pictures to upload her instagram. Pictures in the very beautiful pool are very attractive. Japanese girls take pictures with swimming rings with bikini.

So I think that if the gentlemen seek a girl who can do one night stand, night pool is the place to meet Japanese girls.


The New Otani (The New Otani Pools)


Open: July 20 to September 16th 6:00pm-10:00pm
The cost will depends on weekday and weekend.


Price Hotels (The Garden Pool)


Open: July 7th to September 17th 6:00pm-9:00pm
The cost will depends on weekday and weekend.


Hotel East 21 (Garden Pool)


Open: July 6th-September 9th
The time and cost will depends on weekday and weekend.


I am sorry for inconvenience that two sites are Japanese.

Any Foods and Drinks?

Yes, there are many kinds of foods and drinks and the foods are prepared by hotel, so they must be delicious.
But the foods might be a little bit expensive unfortunately…

Summer is limited and you had better to make precious memories with your sugars. I think I should go there for gaining experience!
Can someone take me there? haha

Are you ready for Summer?


Thank you for reading and see you next time!



