
The Diary of Riene – 7/5/2021


Happy Friday to everyone, I'm sure everyone has been working hard this week! To those who may be working on weekends, I hope you take care and rest well when you can!

Has everyone been doing okay with the recent news of restrictions and all? We're basically going back to phase 2 and I'm still undecided on whether or not I should have that staycation next weekend with my friends…

On another note, I've begun befriending the staff at the drink lounge where I hold meetings at! They recognise me and we chat while I make payments, lol! They're always really nice and friendly, which I appreciate.

As a teenager after my O Levels, I actually used to work in a hotel restaurant too, though I must say I never really met any friendly patrons and some were downright rude… In fact, I worked in various F&B places, and it was definitely one of the most frustrating things about work then.

I always try to be friendly and polite to the staff everywhere I go as a result, having long since learned what it's like to work long hours in an often stressful environment, and having to constantly keep a happy face on for the customers. It's definitely one of the things I look out for when I meet people in this line as well!

I do take note of as many things as possible when meeting people for interviews – not just looks and general attitude, but other things as well, so I guess you could say I'm pretty good at reading people (or at least, I try to!). It's definitely a useful skill to have, lol~

Well then, with it nearing 8pm quickly, it'll be time to sign off soon, and I hope that everyone takes care and stays safe in the meantime! See you all again soon!

