
So much more than a regular Escort girl

Service name: Elite

So, I've moved from being an operation staff at THC to managing a new project and used about two months to prep the opening of the new "Elite" high-class, high-end escort service.

I got the escort license from the Tokyo Metropolitan police, the website up and running, the client reservation system, and girls recruiting operation flow all sorted out. 

The concept was to operate a regular escort service for men, and then the girls were free to continue a Sugar dating relationship with the clients, making them Sugar babies in the process. It was an excellent scheme to have more girls register. Of course, by law, no full service was provided by the girls when they went to bookings for Elite, but after the session, it was up to them how they wanted to go about with the client. They could simply leave him after the Elite session or continue meeting him for a sugar dating relationship.
For Elite, we only needed the booking fee, nothing from the ladies or clients during there Sugar dating relationship. It was the same set of rules as Universe Club when the situation with the girls and the clients proceeded into a Sugar dating relationship.

It was just the waiting game for the girls to start working for Elite, and for the clients to view the new girls on the website.
I had a constant flow of applications coming in but not enough to turn the heads of the big spenders in THC to try Elite out.

Three months from opening, I got a call from the "gods" to update the progress I was making. It was terrible. But I was confident that given enough time and if I stayed to my guns, I would surely be able to turn the table around and start getting a decent amount of bookings and start chipping away the expenses used to operate Elite. 


And it worked! Or just about to work until lightning struck the second time again. AGAIN!


I was too late to make any progress to impress the "gods" to continue Elite under my supervision, and at the same time, newly hired staff in THC had either quit or been let go for several reasons.

THC needed somebody again to work for bookings and dispatch, and it came back to me to take charge of the operations. This time, it was somewhat more relaxed as there was a documented, proven, and detailed operation flow implemented into the operation flow, which made anybody new dive right into it with minimum training required.
During my second stint in THC, we had several changes in staff, moved to a bigger office as well as expanding the service with more deliveries with more drivers to send the girls to their booking locations. Operation rules were also revised, both for the staff and for the girls, making sure tensions and stress was at a minimum with a better streamless operation flow. 
These changes were working towards a better experience for the clients.
I just want to point out to the readers that THC is a registered and licensed service to the Tokyo metropolitan police, meaning it is being operated accordingly to the escort rules and regulations of the Tokyo government, no full service. Just in case you want to try it out.


Time to go home from escorts


Then came the day when my services were no longer required at THC and went home to Universe Club to use and share the experience I gained to improve on my sales skills and come up with new ideas to grow sales in the International division.

To tell you the truth, it was not a smooth transaction back to Universe Club. But back I went with my new ideas and hopes to change things up for the better.

I came back to Universe Club, into the marketing division. Not in sales, but into the marketing division for the International division.
Marketing, where you are responsible for the constant flow of membership applications. 
I had mixed feelings working in marketing. And it turned out to be exciting and entertaining. I'll tell you how fun it is next week. Stayed tuned!


Contact us in WhatsApp for a direct reply from our coordinator staff in the Singapore branch for how to have a sugar daddy or be a sugar baby in Universe Club.

Become a Sugar Daddy at Universe Club and meet your perfect Sugar Baby in anywhere Japan.

Be a Sugar Daddy in Universe Club

Explore your possibilities and take the next step to become the Sugar Baby in Japan at Universe Club

Be a Sugar Baby in Universe Club

