
5 Presents to Give a Japanese Girl on Her Birthday: Advice from a Foreigner

Hello Everyone!
I hope you enjoyed my last blog!
Birthday – this is the day that you can call your own. It is the only time where you get pampered. All the cakes, presents, and mentions are all yours. It is obvious that birthdays are more important to girls than to men. All girls get excited about their birthday, and that special Japanese girl that you want to impress is no exception!

However, Japanese girls can be a tough species to understand. And finding the perfect birthday gift can be an even tougher puzzle to decipher. But if you get it right, and provide her an unforgettable experience on her special day, you might just be able to get that special place in her heart.


So for all the guys out there who want to sweep your ‘Special’ Japanese girl, here are five gift ideas that will give you the upper hand!


Give Your Special Japanese Girl a Gift Hamper

The magic that a gift hamper does is that it presents the excitement of revealing a thrilling mystery. This is one of the safest gift ideas you can offer your Japanese girl on her birthday. Luckily for you, it is a lot easier to find and buy a gift hamper than in the past. They are readily available from big department stores and even easier to purchase online.


Don’t know exactly what your special Japanese girl preferences? Then use this gift hamper as a way to give an assortment gifts in one go. There will surely be more than one item inside that hits the spot. Not to mention, the overall impact of a big basket of goods is something that would impress anyone.

There is one thing to be careful of when ordering a gift hamper. Make sure to order it early enough. If you order it last minute, there is always the chance that something goes wrong. Such as the vendor making a mistake, or the hamper not arriving on time. There is nothing worse than going to a birthday dinner empty handed.


Give Your Special Japanese Girl a Sparkling New Watch

Did you know that Japanese girls love watches? If you didn’t know, try giving her one on her birthday. You will definitely find that you will get an immediate positive response. Japanese girls love jewelry and accessories in general. A fancy watch is a lot more casual and tone a lower than something like earrings, necklaces and rings. Not to mention, a watch can usually be coordinated with a girl’s style of clothing easier when compared to more ‘serious’ jewelry.


A wristwatch may be a more expensive option for a birthday gift, but it also can show how ‘serious’ you really are to get into a relationship. If you have the resources, you can also get a pair of matching watches – one for you and one for her. Doing this will enhance trust in your relationship, enabling you to create a bond that cannot be broken easily.


Take Your Special Japanese Girl Out to a Romantic Dinner 

Japanese girls may be shy, but they love to go out on the town. But to be honest, I doubt that many Japanese guys ever take them out somewhere romantic. So this is a sweet spot that a foreign guy can utilize!

When planning your dinner, obviously avoid the usual places you meet for lunch or coffee. Find and reserve a restaurant with a beautiful view, a place a little ‘posh’ so she can dress up a little, and lastly somewhere that provides a birthday option of preparing a special dessert or cake.

What if you don’t have a lot of money? In the event that your special Japanese girl has a birthday at a time when your bank account is empty, don’t worry! Invite her to your house for dinner! When she arrives, ask her to sit back and relax as you prepare her favorite dish.  
You thought it was a weird idea? She will love it! After her belly is full, bring out a birthday cake and let her enjoy it as you break into a birthday song. Just putting in the effort to pamper her would definitely make her day.

Give Your Special Japanese Girl an Extraordinary Experience

Take your Japanese Girl’s birthday experience to the next level by doing something out of the ordinary. Let’s say you are used to going for dinner for regular dates with your Japanese girl, or you have bought her many gifts in the past. Why not throw her a curveball and do something completely different.


Is she from an area with little to no snow? Then take her ice skating! Does she like action and horror movies? Take her to a themed restaurant like ‘The Lock Up’ which has some rather ‘scary’ dishes. Is she the indoor and quiet type? Then tell her to meet you at the station with luggage and whisk her off to Okinawa.


Japan has an abundance of places to have an extraordinary experience! The skies are the limits!

Give Your Special Japanese Girl a Bouquet of Flowers

Giving flowers on a special day is more than the norm for foreigners in their home country. Birthdays, anniversaries, special celebrations you name it. Giving a bouquet of flowers is like second nature. However you would be totally surprised at the number of Japanese girls who have never received a bouquet of flowers before!


28 roses for a 28th birthday, a bouquet of flowers of her favorite color. Realistically any type of flowers are okay! Utilize the fact that Japanese men don’t use this option as much as the normal foreign guy would and surprise her with something beautiful! Not to mention, they would be crazy happy to put a picture of it up on social media, to in a way, brag to her friends!


But just be careful, Japanese girls who aren’t used to receiving flowers, especially in public might end up being embarrassed. So choose the time and place wisely!

In Conclusion

Now that you have a birthday gift idea for your Special Japanese girl, it’s time to act! Try one of the ideas in the list above! However, remember the rule of the thumb; always go for the best that you can afford.

Thank you for reading!
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