
Letter date service

While the OnLINE date service is still hot from its launch back in March with requests coming in every day, we would like to offer our members a new dating experience with our unique service called…

Letter date!

With the ever-growing technology making communications more efficient and easy with the introduction of Emails and social applications, we would like to take a step back and provide a service to enjoy the good old days of sending love letters.

There are gentlemen that have used our OnLINE service to the fullest advantage by meeting ladies online first before determining to meet them in person.

However, there are some who feel they do not have the courage to meet online or have the required environment and time to have an online date in private.
There are also others who have found exchanging contact details a troublesome ordeal.
We would like you to use and experience less hassle with our new “Letter date” service for the members who have felt the above by exchanging contact and messaging away until you decide to meet your chosen lady in person.


Service period

**Extended indefinitely
Letter date requests received from 2020/12/1 (Tue) until 2021/1/31 (Sun) 20:00 (8:00 pm)


Service details

・Choose your preferred method of communication to a lady from either LINE / WhatsApp / Email / SMS.
・There is no allowance payment required at the point when contact is made to and from the lady.
・The transportation fee and allowance amount will only be required once you meet the lady in person for a date.
・The service will not be able to cover if contact is lost after the initial contact with both parties.
・The arrangement fee for a Letter date setting will be half the price of a regular setting fee.
・The staff will coordinate the Letter date to provide a smooth contact exchange.
・All gentlemen members are eligible.


Letter date rates

Standard : 11,000 yen
Gold : 16,500 yen
Platinum: ¥27,500
Black : 55,000 yen

*Tax included
* For ladies with premium price, the arrangement fee will be the half of the original rate for letter date. (10% consumption tax will apply)


The flow of a Letter date

1. Once we receive a Letter date offer from a gentleman, we will confirm with the lady if she is able to accept the Letter date offer.
2. When the lady agrees to accept the Letter date offer, she will send a message to the gentleman through his preferred communication method.
3. The setting will be completed when both parties have exchanged contact.
4. Enjoy each other company once the contacts have been exchanged.


How to request a Letter date

Please send your Letter date request through the member’s website.
Please enter the phrase “Letter date” and your preferred contact method you would like to use to communicate with the lady in thein the Meeting Place and other comments* section.
*If you make a Letter date request through a phone call, LINE, or WhatsApp, please do remember to inform the staff your request is for a Letter date.


Terms and conditions

・Sharing received contacts will be a violation of your signed agreement.
・When using LINE application as the preferred method of contact, please refrain from using a “LINE Official Account” and only use your personal account.
・When using the LINE application or email as the preferred method of contact, make sure you do not use your actual name for your account name.
・There is no gifts or promotion payouts to the ladies.
・Universe Club rules will not be applied when meeting in person after the Letter date. Please make sure to decide on the conditions and allowance amounts.
・If you are found in violation to your signed agreement or receive poor feedback’s from your letter dates, your membership evaluation will be effected, and we may cancel your membership without warning.
・Please understand not all ladies will be able to accept a Letter date offers.
・The Letter date rates can not be used in conjunction with other discounts.
・Please refrain from changing from normal in-person dates requests to letter dates.
(*Requesting letter dates after confirming the ladies availability is also forbidden)
However, we will be able to change normal in-person dates to letter dates during a “Declaration of state of emergency” and “Priority measures to prevent the spread of disease” periods.


Become a Sugar Daddy at Universe Club and meet your perfect Sugar Baby in anywhere Japan.

Be a Sugar Daddy in Universe Club

Explore your possibilities and take the next step to become the Sugar Baby in Japan at Universe Club

Be a Sugar Baby in Universe Club


Contact us in WhatsApp for an instant reply from our English speaking coordinator staff.

