Hello everyone! I hope you all have been doing well~ We're two weeks into 2022 already, aren't we?
I took my booster shot earlier this week, and well… it really knocked me out 😅 I didn't really have any side effects from my first two shots last year, so I thought the booster would be the same. Of course, I was dead wrong and even needed an extra day off to recover than previously planned.
Still, definitely better than catching Covid and potentially suffering long-lasting effects… Even if the booster kinda made me feel like I'd been hit by a truck for a couple of days, lol.
Anyway, please do stay safe and take care, everyone! I know I always say this, but I do want to see everybody safe and healthy, even if you're not a member or somebody I don't know! The pandemic is dragging for ages, but I'm sure before long, we will be able to get back to normal lives!