Hello everybody! We're 10 days into 2022 – how has it been so far?
I hope you have all had a restful holiday over the last week of 2021, and have entered 2022 with fresh minds~ The first week of work for me has been quite alright too, and we have been planning ways to improve our services this year! Nothing is quite set in stone yet, but if you have any suggestions, please feel free to let us know~
On another note, over at our main Japanese HQ, we have been doing a series of blog relays, with every staff member contributing something. My turn is coming up, and will be published on the Japanese site tomorrow! And yes, I wrote it in Japanese~
Mostly, I decided to introduce Singapore to our Japanese readers, and teach them more about our little red dot. I hope that I can also teach our Singaporean readers more about Japan eventually, beyond any usual stereotypes and truly help us all understand the complexities of our respective countries!
With that said, I hope everyone can continue to support us in 2022! Thank you always!