
Black Hair…Japanese Girls Have Beautiful Black Hair

Hello there,
This is Mia Stone AGAIN and I am going to upload my blog on Tuesday and Thursday. So if you like my blog, please looking forward to read my blog on those days and if you do not  like my blog, please be patient…
Okay, my last blogs were about Japanese girls body and I wrote about boobs and bottom. Today, I am going to write about Japanese girls’ black hair.

Asian beauty…

Many people think that Japanese girls have black long hair like Japanese dolls. I as a Japanese, black long hair is the best and suitable for Japanese girls.

Or black long hair reminds many guys Cleopatra, the Egyptian beauty in the world.


The reality…

In fact, many Japanese girls do not know the black hair is very beautiful,
so they dye and bleach their hair for looking nice!
Indeed, they cannot keep their hair beautiful, their hair is so messy.

How about Ladies in Universe Club?

I definitely can say that ladies in Universe Club, especially Platinum and black classes, are very sophisticated and care their appearance.
In addition, I think (it’s just my opinion) the smell of Japanese girls’ hair is so sweet. You will be comfortable with its smell.
I can proudly introduce them to you for your girlfriend experience.

Now you can see the female members.

Tips for getting Japanese girls’ heart

These are phrases that you might use for girls.
Girls love that the guys praise them.

・Your hair smells so good.
→Kimi no kami iinioi.

・Your hair is so beautiful.
→Kimi no kami kirei.

・Your hair color is nice.
→Kimi no kamiiro iIkanji.

・Your hair looks so shiny and smooth.
→Kimi no kami tuyatuya turuturu dane.

“Kimi” means you and you can say “Anata” as well.
Well, you can say __ chan to call their names.


Oh, Do not say, “Atana turutusu” to men.
It would mean you are bald.

Today, I wrote about black hair and  a very little Japanese lesson!
Thank you for reading.



