Suppp sugar darlings! It has been a while since I have been rambling away.. How have we all been doing? The topic of today might be a tad depressing but bear with me ya..
By now, we all have been accustomed to COVID life by now, how do we even go back to "normal" anymore. This is the topic I would like to touch on.
Rather than blindly praying and hoping for things to get back to normal, we should instead start to find new ways to evolve and change with COVID19. It would probably take years for the World to recover and get back to “Normal.”
Process of going back to "Normal" 
Create Vaccine ➡ Administering within your community ➡ Ensuring Worldwide adoption of Vaccine
You get my drift right? Its gonna be a loooong while.
Whether it’s at work or play, we have to start being flexible and making changes to our way of life. The “traditional” way of doing things should have been evolved by now. Rather than hoping for a miracle, adapting and living with COVID might be the only way forward.
We all hate change I know, but…. *inserts “It is What it is” meme here* 😂
This is already reflected in dating, where Online dating is the Norm now, to the extent that couples who met Online are genuinely afraid to meet in person after restrictions are lifted. For fear that their significant other might find their real physical self a turn off! Yeahh I couldn’t believe it too!
A quick google search on Online Dating or Sugar Dating would reveal the huge spike not only in Singapore but around the World. But that’s not to say its all roses and unicorns, we do have relationship casualties of COVID too. High profile couples dropping like flies, closest to my heart are #ryansylvia. *Cries for the 86th time this week* I wanna bet a fiver COVID had something to do with it..
All couples who have survived quarantine trapped together really do deserve a Gold Star. And if you are not married yet, my Gawd go get married already. You have passed the COVID Couples Test! L😂L
❤ To end on a high note, take some baby steps in June.
✔ Work: Stop hoping and embrace COVID! Implement a strategy that goes hand in hand with COVID, not as a result of it.
✔ Home: Start exercising you fat bugger! 1 hour of Netflix for 20x push-ups
✔ Lovelife: Try an Online date! Physical attraction is only 1 aspect of any relationship
Jack signing off, thanks for hearing me out. Will be back rambling once I get the feels again
Jack Tan
Universe Club Singapore
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