Happy Saturday everyone!
I hope everyone's doing well~ We're about 3 weeks into the Heightened Alert, and I'm very much looking forward to eating out with my friends again! I've even started planning a picnic with another friend of mine, maybe at Marina Barrage or something~ Well, the only thing I'm scared of though, is that it'll rain on that day or something 😂
I'm also planning to take photos at some different locations soon, so expect to see fresh and exciting photos before long! Let's just hope I don't get chased away by security guards or anything lol
Forgive me if I always seem like I'm rambling about stuff that don't really seem to matter, or are just mere boring anecdotes to you! I enjoy keeping this blog active as much as possible – not just because it's my job, but because I genuinely enjoy writing, and I hope that more people will see the humanity behind the corporate facade of the company!
And if anyone ever has any comments or opinions on our service, we're super easy to reach! It's just one Whatsapp text away after all! A lot of the time when I ask for comments and all I don't really get any, but once in a while I do get members telling me they liked reading my posts~ To you, I thank you and really hope I can continue providing top-notch customer service and match you well with dates!
I shall be signing off for now then, it's nearly time to knock off! See you and have a wonderful weekend!